Growing Potatoes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Growing Potatoes: A Step-by-Step Guide
Seed potatoes are an absolute blast to grow! Who doesn’t love digging in the soil to uncover hidden treasures? Growing potatoes is simple and fun for all ages. Here are some tips to help you “level up” your potato game.
Soil Preparation
Potatoes thrive in soft, slightly acidic, well-drained soil with an airy texture. Aim for a pH level between 4.6 and 7. If your soil is alkaline (pH above 7.4), consider adding peat moss or a soil acidifier. Incorporating molded leaf compost or organic soil amendments, such as cotton burr compost will create a soft bed ideal for tuber growth.
Preparing Seed Potatoes
- Division: Cut seed potatoes into pieces about 1.5 to 2 inches, ensuring each piece has at least 1 strong eye. Use a sharp, disinfected knife for clean cuts.
- Disease Prevention: Lightly coat the cut pieces with sulfur dust to reduce the risk of fungal or disease issues.
- Curing: Allow the cut pieces to cure at least 5-6 days before planting in a cool dry place that is safe from freezing. This helps form a protective layer (callus) over the cuts.
- Timing: Plant when soil temperatures are at least 50° F at a depth of 4 inches, about 3 weeks before the last spring frost. In the Brazos Valley Area this is usually between Valentine’s Day (February 14th) and early March. If planted too early, new top growth could freeze.
- Spacing and Depth: Plant seed potatoes 10-12 inches apart and 3 inches deep. Ensure firm yet gentle contact between the seed and the base soil.
- Initial Fertilizer: At planting, use bone and blood meal for a strong start. Add a small handful of bone and blood meal near each seed but avoid direct contact.
- Ongoing Fertilizer: About three weeks after planting, apply a balanced fertilizer. A general all-purpose vegetable fertilizer, such as 10-5-15, works well. Follow the product’s instructions for application.
Potatoes require consistent moisture but avoid overwatering. Light, regular watering is best:
- Monitor rainfall and adjust watering accordingly.
- Overwatering can slow tuber development and lead to failure.
As plants grow to 8-10 inches tall, pull soil, compost, or a soil-mulch mixture around the stems to create small hills. This prevents tubers from being exposed to light, which can cause greening and bitterness. Repeat hilling as plants grow taller.
Pest Management
- Common Pests: Aphids and Potato Beetles are common pests. Check your plants regularly for pests, paying attention to the underside of the leaves.
- Prevention and Treatment:
- Spray plants weekly with a mixture of 2 teaspoons orange oil concentrate in a spray bottle of water.
- Neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and other insecticides can also be effective.
- Integrated Pest Management: Regularly inspect plants and address issues early.
Disease Prevention
- Rotate your potato crop location every three years to minimize disease risks.
- Apply fungicides or neem oil as needed.
- Keep a close eye on plants and remove affected foliage promptly.
Potatoes are ready to harvest when the plant tops begin to yellow and die back. Gently dig around the plants to uncover your “gems” of various sizes and shapes. Each potato is a unique reward for your efforts! Average days to harvest are 80 to 110, so you can expect a crop in May or June.