Agronomy Services
What We Offer
Our row crop specialists provide sound agronomic advice in the field and put your farm in position for consistent yield and quality. By using the R7 Program: The Right Genetics, on the Right Soil Type, at the Right Population, using the Right cropping system, with the Right Traits, the Right Crop Protection, and the Right Crop Nutrition, our agronomists set even the toughest field on the right track to performance.
Working closely with researchers, seed producers and our farmers, allows us to implement the latest technology and production data to get the most out of your field. We service planting seed from the following manufacturers: Croplan, Dekalb, Delta and Pine Land, Phytogen, Stoneville, Asgrow, Credenz Soybeans and the full line of Westbred and TAM wheat varieties.
Everything You Need
Our modern bulk blending plant houses dry granular fertilizer ingredients – Urea and NBBT Stabilized Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, DAP, MAP, Potash, K-Mag and chelated micronutrients including Wolf Trax® DG micronutrients. We can make any grade to match a soil sample on demand. Multiple blending units and holding bins above our scale streamline the loading process, reducing valuable response time.
We now carry Nutralime® DG High Calcium pelleted limestone that can be applied to your field to raise the pH according to your soil needs. Nutralime® is more effective than traditional pulverized products due to its very fine grind. Because of this, it can be applied at rates 5 to 10 times lower than regular ag lime and begin to change soil pH within two weeks. The ability to store this lime onsite in our agronomy warehouse in large quantities allows us to avoid transportation and supply delays with regular ag lime. Since it is compressed into a durable, low dust pellet, it can also be applied with our drag spreaders and does not require the purchase of a full truckload, allowing us to service all sizes of fields.
Custom spreading of fertilizer, crop protection products, lime and seed for winter pasture is available. In addition to this, we have a large fleet of ground drive drag spreaders for do-it-yourself customers. For large orders, we have multi-compartment tenders that can hold up to 22 tons. A wide selection of fall and spring forage and crop seeds offer producers many alternatives. Oats, ryegrass, cereal rye, wheat, legumes and wildlife mixes are available in the fall for mixing and application with dry fertilizer. This allows for one easy application in the establishment of valuable winter pastures. In the spring, we have proven and popular varieties of Forage Sorghum, Sorghum Sudan, Millet, and multiple hybrid Bermudagrass options for turf, grazing and hay production.
Call Agronomy Services at 979.778.6000 for specific products and availability. For label information and Material Safety Data Sheets, click on the following link and type in the name of your product in the search box.
A large selection of specialty Defoliants, Plant Growth Regulators and Foliar Feed products are available at PRODUCERS. Ask about them today!
Call Agronomy Services at 979.778.6000 for specific products and availability. For label information and Material Safety Data Sheets, click on the following link and type in the name of your product in the search box.
A large selection of crop & turf fungicide products are available at PRODUCERS. Ask about them today!
Call Agronomy Services at 979.778.6000 for specific products and availability. For label information and Material Safety Data Sheets, click on the following link and type in the name of your product in the search box.
Range & Pasture
Timely weed control is an effective means of eliminating competition for precious moisture and producing more pounds of grass. The pasture specialists in the Agronomy Services Department at PRODUCERS can provide assistance in weed identification and selection of the right product(s) to help meet forage goals.
Row Crop
PRODUCERS provides a broad selection of row-crop protection products for a variety of crops and programs. Call Agronomy Services at 979.778.6000 for specific products and availability. For label information and Material Safety Data Sheets, click on the following link and type in the name of your product in the search box.
Range & Pasture
Armyworms, grasshoppers and a host of other insects can invade pastures and hay fields each year. If numbers become large they can do significant damage and treatment is critical. Your agronomists at PRODUCERS can provide helpful information on economic thresholds, scouting techniques, product selection, application procedures and more.
Row Crop
PRODUCERS provides a broad selection of effective row-crop protection products for a variety of crops and programs. Contact a crop specialist in the Agronomy Service Department to discuss your needs. Call Agronomy Services at 979.778.6000 for specific products and availability. For label information and Material Safety Data Sheets, click on the following link and type in the name of your product in the search box.
Fertilizer Sepecialy Formulated
Producers has been making things grow in the Brazos Valley since 1943. That's why you can trust us to formulate lawn, garden, field and pasture fertilizers to meet your needs.
- Soil testing that stores results from year-to-year to help you make better agronomic and economic decisions
- Experienced agronomists who can help you find solutions for your operation
- Bulk and bagged fertilizer formulated at Producers
- Drag spreaders and lawn spreaders available for use with product
Planting Seed

Planting Seed, Soil Sampling & Liming
PRODUCERS stocks a complete line of quality planting seed for crop fields, hay fields and pastures. Contact Agronomy Services for needs, product availability and planting information at 979.778.6000.
Row Crop Seeds

Row Crop Seeds
Corn, Cotton, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans, Alfalfa, Sunflowers from these companies:
Croplan Genetics
Asgrow / Dekalb
Delta Pine and Land
Forage Seeds

Forage Seeds
Small Grains
Forage Sorghums/Sorghum Sudangrasses
Perennial Pasture Grasses
Wildlife Mixes
Soil Sampling & Liming

Soil Sampling & Liming
PRODUCERS strives to provide its customers with consistent quality results you can trust in a timely manner. PRODUCERS has a year-round soil testing campaign in place to cover all aspects of the various crops grown in the Brazos Valley. From turf and landscape, to forages and row crops, PRODUCERS is your soil sample headquarters.
Agronomy Contacts
David Stratta - Agronomy Sales & Operations
Jason Whitfield - Row Crop Specialist, Seed and Programs Manager
Daniel Trampota - Agronomy Operations Manager