Soil Sampling & Liming
What We Offer
PRODUCERS strives to provide its customers with consistent quality results you can trust in a timely manner. PRODUCERS has a year-round soil testing campaign in place to cover all aspects of the various crops grown in the Brazos Valley. From turf and landscape, to forages and row crops, PRODUCERS is your soil sample headquarters.
Our new system allows us to e-mail the results of your sample directly to you. We can also graph trends in fertility from field to field and from year to year.

Soil Sampling
At PRODUCERS, we can create a custom fertility program to fit your needs. In addition to basic field/pasture soil analysis, the following is a sampling of the analytical services we can provide:
- Small Grain
- Basic Test
- Forage Legume Test
- General Test
- Row Crop Test
- Complete Test
- Lawn and Garden Soil Analysis
- Complete Saturated Media Extract
- Grid Sampling
- Roughage Test
- Relative Feed Value Test
- NIRS Analysis
- Complete Petiole Analysis
- Plant Diagnostic Package
- Individual Tests

Field & Pasture Liming
PRODUCERS uses only NutralLime DG Pelletized Limestone and we have the equipment needed to get the job done. Here is a composite sample of the lime that we use.
NutralLime DG (Hi-Cal)
Calcium %: 30.0 - 34.0
Magnesium %: 0.6 - 4.0
Density: 70.0 ilbs/ft3