Lawn & Garden
Producers Lawn & Garden Center
Come see us at Producers Lawn & Garden Center for all your lawn and landscape needs. From fertilizer to quality plants, and soil amendments to tools and supplies, we've got what you need to get the job done. You'll even find many of those hard-to-find products! Plus, we have a knowledgeable, friendly staff that is waiting to serve you!
Lawn & Garden Center Hours:
Monday thru Saturday 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.
Closed on Sunday.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Plant Protection Practices in Freezing Weather

Follow These Steps to Help Protect You Plants
Follow the following steps to help protect your hard work and investments during cold weather.
- Know which plants you have in your landscape and garden because some plants can withstand cold better than others. Extra care and attention should be placed on any new plantings and those that are more tender and susceptible to freeze. Some particular plants that will struggle in this cold weather may include, but not limited to, sago palms, bottlebrush, hibiscus, croton, philodendrons, rosemary, bougainvillea. Even your cool season annuals and plants selected for typical Brazos Valley temperatures will most likely be injured in the sustaining freezing temperatures that are predicted.
- Cover you plants with frost cloth, blankets or quilts, or cardboard boxes. The goal is to hold in the heat. Ensure that the coverings go all the way to the ground so that air cannot flow underneath. Do not use tarps or plastic sheets.
- Add Christmas lights (new led lights do not work as well) or other heat admitting lights to increase temperatures. Be careful not to have the lights directly touching the plants or coverings.
- Move all container plants indoors, if possible. If you are unable to move your large containers inside the house, move them to a covered area or against a larger structure.
- Water your plants beforehand. A deep mulch will also help hold heat in the root zone. In some cases, although the tops of the plants may be damaged, the roots will survive allowing the plant to regenerate.
Leave your plants covered until the freeze is over. It will take a few days, maybe weeks, to see the extent of damage to your plants. Be patient and not too quick to prune dead limbs and leaves since we may experience another cold snap. Keep watching our newsletter and we will feature a follow-up to how our landscapes faired from the freeze.

Producers Fertilizer
If you want the best garden, landscape and lawn you've ever had, use only the best fertilizer. You can trust PRODUCERS because we've been making things grow in Brazos Valley fields and pastures since 1943. PRODUCERS fertilizers are especially designed for your Brazos Valley soil. Since we formulate and package our fertilizers on site, we know you're getting the best. We'll help you make things grow!
Garden Success

Garden Success Talkshow
Extension Horticulturist for Texas Cooperative Extension, Doug Welsh has more than 20 years of experience as a garden broadcaster. His call-in gardening show, Garden Success, airs each Thursday from noon to 1:00 p.m. on 90.9 KAMU-FM. Doug serves as your garden consultant, answering questions from gardeners and gardeners of the Brazos Valley. Doug gives time-saving tips, best plant selections, and proven pest management strategies including both conventional and organic techniques. Call in your lawn and garden questions at 979.845.5689, or email them to him during the show.